Friday, May 09, 2008

Places You Love

I believe that everybody has their own preference of the places they love to see or visit....

And mine is this place:

Still Amazed...

Hi there...

After long...long....time never fill in anything into this blog, then I feel that I have something to be shared this time...

Yesterday I just met my new line manager. Previously there was only 1 layer to the big boss in APAC but now, they (the management) just added 1 more layer...meaning the stairs to the "heaven" (on earth) :) is going higher...

Anyway, he brought a few good news at least...
1. Salary increasement...yummy... I never make an estimation about this year salary increased. At least you get 7.5% is good enough, more than that as additional... But he mentioned a figure that make my eyes "terbelalak", you know? Ten years working in this company, never happen this way... Hey...there is a first time for everything, rite? Anyway, I just said thank you for their recognition to my effort all this time. Thinking further, I just tried to calm myself after that and keep my way of understanding, that money is only money... You can say it's enough or you can say it's too small depend on how do you treat and spend the money. I had the experienced of losing so much money in a short time, I had a time when the big money was offered in front of my eyes..but again money is only money. It doesn't make you happy forever, it doesn't make you health forever and most importantly doesn't make you go to heaven @ the end....sigh...wish that I can buy 100 m2 land in heaven... All in all, I said thanks God for that and hoping I can manage it better than before.
2. Possibility to help other projects in another country... do I need to say more for that offer? Apa yang terlintas di benak gua? Many things, such as new experiences, chances to know about new languages, new foods, new cultures, elaborating my network etc...etc... Hell, yes I want that... But not forgetting too the bigger responsibilities along with that offer... Let's see...

And I said also to him that eventhough this company or specifically this department give me enough salary or whatever, I will still move if there's nothing left to be learned...
Always living and learning...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Faith in God... Why?

Faith is not in religion, the faith is in God.

A hardy, daring faith that believes God will do what is right, every time. And that God will do what it takes - whatever it takes - to bring his children home.

He is the shepherd in search of his lamb. His legs are scratched, his feet are sore and his eyes are burning. He scales the cliffs and traverses the fields. He explores the caves. He cups his hands to his mouth and calls into the canyon.
And the name he calls is yours.

He is the housewife in search of the lost coin. No matter that he has nine others, he won't rest until he has found the tenth. He searches the house. He moves furniture. He pulls up rugs. He cleans out the shelves. He stays up late. He gets up early. All other tasks can wait. Only one matters. The coin is of great value to him. He owns it. He will not stop until he finds it.
The coin he seeks is you.

God is the father pacing the porch. His eyes are wide with his quest. His heart is heavy. He seeks his prodigal. He searches the horizon. He examines the skyline, yearning for the familiar figure, the recognizable gait. His concern is not his business, his investments, his ownings. His concern is the son who wears his name, the child who bears his image. You.
He wants you home.

Again..... by Max Lucado

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Lessons Learned Today (1)

God always teaches me new things and reminds me some forgotten things.

Hari2 belakangan ini, I have been taught by God that age isn’t equal to maturity, that the older you are, it doesn’t mean the wiser you are.

Yeah…. sometimes if I meet a people younger than me, gua kadang suka menganggap bahwa walaupun mungkin gua lebih tua setahun tapi itu berarti gua lebih tau daripada orang tersebut. So many times lebih banyak gua akan bernada menggurui apalagi hal yang berkaitan dengan pengalaman2 hidup.

Tapi ya itu, gua kemaren2 ini diingetin bahwa umur actually is not related to my maturity and kebijaksanaan gua. Ternyata gua masih harus belajar banyak dari orang yang lebih muda dari gua.

Dan ada lagi yang kembali diingetin Tuhan adalah bahwa uang ga pernah bisa membahagiakan kita. Pengalaman belakangan ini dan melihat dari kehidupan orang disekitar gua mengingatkan bahwa uang tuh almost nothing nilainya kalau kita ga pernah ngerasa cukup dan bersyukur dengan apa yang udah dititipin Tuhan ama kita. It can’t buy happiness… It can’t buy satisfaction….. Uang penting itu ga gua ingkarin apalagi selama kita hidup di dunia dan peradaban sekarang ini. Tapi jangan sampe uang lantas berada diatas segala2nya.

Sigh... actually the lessons are not new ones... but many times I forgot them....

Friday, March 24, 2006

Six Hours One Friday

Max Lucado is one of my favorite writer. I love to read book, buku apapun yang bisa menarik perhatian gua. Walaupun sayangnya waktu untuk membaca sudah makin berkurang seiring menumpuknya pekerjaan dan perhatian yang harus dibagi-bagi.

Below is one of the teaser at the back of Max Lucado’s book with title “Six Hours One Friday”


At times in your life, you’ve been caught by life’s storms.
Maybe you’re going through one right now.


You have a house, a good job… a little money in the bank. But external success doesn’t answer the question that keeps you awake at night:
“What is the meaning of it all?”


You blew it. You let everyone down. You did the very thing you swore you’d never do.


You are suddenly separated from the one you deeply love.
Tears. Words. Flowers. Dirt. Open grave.

No matter what the strom clouds bring, you can face your pain with courage and hope. For two thousand years ago – six hours, one Friday – Christ firmly planted in bedrock three solid anchor points that we can all cling to:

Our lives are not futile. Our failures are not fatal. Our deaths ar not final.

For the heart scarred with futility, that Friday holds purpose. For the life blackened with failure, that Friday holds forgiveness. And for the soul looking into tunnel of death, that Friday holds deliverance.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Part 2 & 3

2. New friends
Interesting topic for me especially I just lost a best friend which I know for 15 years!! Actually bukan kehilangan kaya gimana, but kesempatan untuk berkomunikasi udah berkurang terus dan rasanya malah makin lama jadi makin ada jarak, dimana level comfortable sudah berkurang banyak. In my life I don't have many best friends and I don't plan to. I think only 2, one male and one female. I don't plan to have one "banci" as my best friend he..he..
Don't mistaken me, many friends and good friends are always welcome in my life.
The male one still kept in touch with me unregularly, but we do care about our condition and pray for each other.
But what I wanna tell you right now is I've found a new best friend (I don't wanna say as the successor for the previous one) and it's really a good thing when you can share many things and many thoughts with ur best friend. Dia itu orangnya cuek, blak-blakan, jujur, dan simple.
Hope it will last forever... It's not easy to find a really best friend in your life, is it?

3. New Opportunity
Eventhough I've got new job and challenges (as I've told you in no. 1), still God open my eyes that there is a chance He will give me new challenge in the future. Gua sendiri ga tau apakah kesempatan itu hanyalah suatu harapan yang tidak akan pernah terwujudkan atau malah sebetulnya pertanda bahwa gua harus mempersiapkan diri gua utk hal yang lebih baru.
I like and love to learn new things, walaupun kadang ada saat tertentu dimana rasanya gua jalan ditempat dan kelihatannya malas belajar. Kerjanya maen melulu.
Chance tersebut adalah kerja di tempat lain dan bidang yang sama sekali lain dari apa yang sudah dijalani selama 8 tahun ini.
Yep... my best friend (the male one) gave me a thought that he likes to involve me in his new business. Really, it's not an easy one, but hey who knows God has planned it before I was born.
I just have to be ready anytime if that chance calls me and God let me take that chance.....

Long Time No See

Rasanya males banget to add something di blog. Sebelomnya kerasa kaya siput deh blog servernya, tapi sekarang ini much better kayanya.

Ok... let me check since my last posting seharusnya udah ada beberapa perubahan dalam hidup gua...
1. New job and challenges
2. New friends
3. New opportunity

Bahas satu-satu ya.
1. New job and challenges
Starting 1st Jan 06, I got new position in another department but in the same company. Menyenangkan sekaligus menegangkan apalagi if the scope of work is not so clear. We have to do almost anything that we can if we have "free" time. Tapi sekarang udah lebih lumayan dimana kerjaan-kerjaan yang diberikan lebih jelas dan bermakna. Still it needs around 6 months to have a good feeling about this new job. This is based on my experiences. Tanpa disadari selama 8 tahun kerja di perusahaan ini, hampir tiap 3 tahun sekali gua pindah bagian he..he..
Well, let's see how do I survive this new job. I believe God always see me through kok....

No 2 and 3 will follow later yah, have to go back to work....

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Why Kohagiam?

Why do I choose kohagiam as the name of my blog (or Giam Thian Tie as my user name)? It's simply because a colleague of mine likes to call me that name.

Since my childhood I never have been called by my Chinese name. Probably due to unfriendly situation and condition at that time. I remember that sometimes "anak2 kampung" around my house called me ABC (Akew Babah Cina) and I always wonder what's wrong with becomes a Chinese in Indonesia?

Ah... ngelantur let's come back to the story why Kohagiam. Di lingkungan kantor, this colleague teaches me a lot of other ways of thinking, discuss with me about his religion and sometimes just teasing teman2 sekantor tanpa bermaksud menyakitkan hati.

So nasib gua sama aja dipanggil juga Koh Agiam atau Cinere alias Cina Kere karena mungkin kadang2 gua kaga mau kalo diajak lunch bareng di luar. Bukan pelit sih tapi simply ga laper. Dan panggilan itu justru membangkitkan rasa pengen ngegunain nama Cina yang udah lama never been used.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Starting The Blog

For me it's the first time I start to write something in a blog. I always curious about new things and new technology.

Sudah beberapa waktu gua denger tentang blog, but sesudah daftar di lantas gua bingung what should I write in my blog :)

But at least I try to do something different in my life....

Let's see what I can tell you in the next days...