Thursday, November 24, 2005

Why Kohagiam?

Why do I choose kohagiam as the name of my blog (or Giam Thian Tie as my user name)? It's simply because a colleague of mine likes to call me that name.

Since my childhood I never have been called by my Chinese name. Probably due to unfriendly situation and condition at that time. I remember that sometimes "anak2 kampung" around my house called me ABC (Akew Babah Cina) and I always wonder what's wrong with becomes a Chinese in Indonesia?

Ah... ngelantur let's come back to the story why Kohagiam. Di lingkungan kantor, this colleague teaches me a lot of other ways of thinking, discuss with me about his religion and sometimes just teasing teman2 sekantor tanpa bermaksud menyakitkan hati.

So nasib gua sama aja dipanggil juga Koh Agiam atau Cinere alias Cina Kere karena mungkin kadang2 gua kaga mau kalo diajak lunch bareng di luar. Bukan pelit sih tapi simply ga laper. Dan panggilan itu justru membangkitkan rasa pengen ngegunain nama Cina yang udah lama never been used.

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