Thursday, March 23, 2006

Long Time No See

Rasanya males banget to add something di blog. Sebelomnya kerasa kaya siput deh blog servernya, tapi sekarang ini much better kayanya.

Ok... let me check since my last posting seharusnya udah ada beberapa perubahan dalam hidup gua...
1. New job and challenges
2. New friends
3. New opportunity

Bahas satu-satu ya.
1. New job and challenges
Starting 1st Jan 06, I got new position in another department but in the same company. Menyenangkan sekaligus menegangkan apalagi if the scope of work is not so clear. We have to do almost anything that we can if we have "free" time. Tapi sekarang udah lebih lumayan dimana kerjaan-kerjaan yang diberikan lebih jelas dan bermakna. Still it needs around 6 months to have a good feeling about this new job. This is based on my experiences. Tanpa disadari selama 8 tahun kerja di perusahaan ini, hampir tiap 3 tahun sekali gua pindah bagian he..he..
Well, let's see how do I survive this new job. I believe God always see me through kok....

No 2 and 3 will follow later yah, have to go back to work....

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